Bloody Rainy Pancake Day

Slash what I wrote in the last entry. After working over time (you know how it is, you sit around until you’re almost ready to go and then things start to get busy), getting a burger at Mr. Perri’s Take Away (and I had so hoped that it was a Chinese take away :-() I started walking home. After about 100 meters it started to frickin’ pour down. The rain was so much, I couldn’t see a damn thing so I pretty much staggered home through deep puddles and mud – yeah a proper sidewalk in my area hasn’t been financed by the European Union just yet! The fucking drops hurt when they hit my skin and by the time I got home I was soaked to my underwear. Bloody weather…

Excuse my French but it was just that bad

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  1. Wow, the weather must be horrible there. I can’t complain here… the sun has been shining all day. Oh, I was just looking at your little weather pixie and you should be dry now! 🙂