Stars – Photo A Day 10

I am really enjoying this Photo A Day challenge. Thinking of a good photo opportunity every day is actually fun and I really enjoy writing a bit about some of the photos on here.

So May 10th photo theme of the day was “Stars”. I do love stars (chunks of rock in the sky that is, not necessarily hyped-up starlets of Hollywood)! We were on this wonderful road-trip from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon (sooooooo awesome! Go see it if you haven’t yet) and on the way back from hiking in the Grand Canyon National Park we kept craning our necks to see the amazing night sky. It’s something. The desolateness of the desert and the absence of any human-made light sources made this a very humbling experience. Just us three friends and a million stars shining above us in the sky.
And then somebody mentioned scorpios and we all got the heck back into the car and focused on moose on the road instead of constellations in the sky. Ah yes, the wild wild west.

Arizona Sunset

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A Snack – Photo A Day 9

Espresso and Somersaults from WholeFoods. Nom nom. I used to get them on my US Airways flights back in the good old days when I was a “tin” status frequent flyer and got upgraded. Those were the days! (<– what a grown up thing to say!) Not sure if the loathing looks from middle aged business men that were green with envy about my upgrade or the actual snacks were more satisfying… Hmmm hmmm. 😉

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Shape – Photo A Day 8

Round Amethysts
I’ve been neglecting my jewelry making. I have soooo many beautiful beads that are just screaming to become part of a very special accessory for some pretty lady out there. And considering that jewelry making is one of my resolutions for 2013 I should be cranking out new pieces left and right. But, I am lacking inspiration right now. What is writer’s block for the jewelry maker? Beading block? Hmmm! Well, perhaps this weekend. The amethysts are out of my craft cabinet so I might as well transform them from round shaped stones into a dashing ensemble of hand-made jewelry.

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