
Scary Day - Day 60I just sent away the form that makes me an “official” diploma thesis writer. Makes it even more real that my days of being a student are counted. Scary but at the same time I am really excited! I’m hoping that this official deadline will bring a big wave of motivation to write. I do want to hand it in by the end of June but who knows how that goes… at least I can’t hand it in after July. Wheeeee! =o)

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  1. hi sweetie, crossing my fingers that all will work out. and funny by the way you were working on those products i colored for;-)cute pic of you by the way.

  2. how exciting. it must be a great feeling to be almost done with the thesis and sign up for it right now 😉 [I kind of did the same things though!]

  3. Na da wuensch ich dir mal viel “Spass” beim Schreiben der Diplomarbeit.

    Denk daran, am Ende kommen sowieso immer mehr Seiten dabei raus als urspruenglich geplant waren. Also kein Stress.

    Melde dich mal.

  4. Hallo Sanna, jetzt hab ich Deinen Blog “entdeckt”. Gefaellt mir gut. Schade, dass Du nicht mehr lange auf der gruenen Insel bist….oder koenntest du ev. “verlaengern” 🙂 Lieben Gruss, noch aus Wien, Symone

  5. hi maus, viel spass dabei! oh gott du arme!! ich halte alle daumen und finger das du da durch kommst. ihhhh ich fuehle mit dir!!

  6. It’s official! 🙂 I know that feeling (who doesn’t actually?) when things finally get serious – forget all doubts: now gopher it and show no mercy! 😀