Friday Recap

Good morning peeps!
I crawled out of bed way too early today because I have to go shopping for my mom but now she said I’d have to wait until 11 so I might as well check out the web. Had a good day yesterday. A little trip to IKEA with my sister – because we both move out of home and just don’t need anything soon lol. Well I got some candles, you know the tripple pack that smells like fudge, caramel, and vanilla swirls, but of course they fell out of the car when I opened the door at home and broke. Ah yeah, shouldn’t have gotten them in the first place ;-).
Also got an email invitation by Procter & Gamble inviting me to some logic test so that means I passed their psycho test and their resume screening. Wow! Egoboost!
Last night I went out with Jenny and Susanne and we had cocktails (sin alcohol naturalmente) and then went to that crappy club in town. But we danced and we had a great time watching these weird people there. Wah! Really scary what runs around these days. Also makes you feel so old when you’re between all these 18(max) year olds.
Well, I’m a bit worried about my thesis. I want to hand it in Monday in a week but I still need to get the prrofreading back and of course I don’t want to rush my friend because she’s doing me a huge favor to begin with but I’m getting really antsy about hoping to get it back after this weekend. I think printing and binding still takes a bit of time, too, not to mention about correcting all the poop I wrote… Yikes!
Anyways, toodles my dears hope you’re all having a great weekend! :-*

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  1. I can so hear you about feeling so old in the club between all these weird creatures running around there. Yay for the Procter & Gamble invitation! Have a good weekend!

  2. Huhuuu aus Arizona! War natürlich so neugierig und hab mir deinen Blog auch mal angeschaut. Glückwunsch zur Einladung von Procter & Gamble ;-). Werd ab und zu mal reinschauen, Blogs sind schon was Tolles, nicht? Liebe Grüße aus der Wüste (wir haben 22:21 und 37°C…waaah).

  3. Haha, the candles are still usable. Fuse them into 1 giant candle. The mother of all candles.

    The last weekend was amazing! More later: first, good luck on your thesis’ end. The end is near.