Looking into my awesome purple New Year’s resolutions book, it seems that I’m doing really well with some resolutions but I’m really slacking with others, too (hello total lack of crafting so far!). Let’s take a look at the health related ones:
Working out at least once a week: 17/26. Ehhhhh. Not too bad considering all the bad colds and the completely messed up neck I had but in honesty, LOTS OF ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT. I think once we move I’ll be able to make more room for that AND I won’t have to worry about upsetting downstairs neighbors for doing jumping jacks etc. Am actually considering joining the gym again as we’ll live really close to not one, Peeps, but two! I do miss my pilates classes and treadmills just make for better cardio workouts on hot or rainy days. Good outlook for the second half I’d say!
Speaking of, Car-Di-Oh! I’ve had running a 5k on my bucket list for the longest time and there is really no good excuse as to why I haven’t done it yet. Other than it being too hot, too rainy, too thunderstormy (I mean who wants to be struck by lightning?!). Again, join-gym idea might be the key here.So I am hoping 2013 will be the year. I’m up to running 4km, which knowing what a non-runner I am, that is HUGE! Next up, sign up for a race and manage to run 5km. It’d be soooo embarrassing to walk across the finish line!
I do have a cool running app on the iPhone that tells me time and distance and tracks my runs via GPS. Who doesn’t love seeing progress?!
Scrap the crap lunches!
That was my third health related resolution and I am absolutely rocking this one! I used to eat a “Barely-There Cuisine” frozen lunch almost every day at the office. It was convenient, cheaper than eating out and fast with a good variety of meal choices. But that nagging feeling that maybe chicken with rice and vegetables should really only have something along the lines of these ingredients: Chicken, Rice, Carrots, Peas, Oil, Spices and not a 10 line long list of sodium loaded non-pronouncable foods and chemicals drove me to set this goal: Only eat one frozen lunch a week.
And honestly, I’ve gotten so disgusted by the idea of eating all that processed crap that I’ve eaten a total of six (6!!!!) frozen lunches this entire first half of the year! Yessssss! When I do, it’s usually a Kashi vegan one that only consists of pronounceable ingredients. Super proud of this one and it should be fairly easy to continue the healthy lunches! *Fist pump*
Still have a few more resolutions for the year but all in all they are going well and I really enjoy checking off my check boxes and pat my own shoulder. Teeeheee. How about yours? Hope you haven’t given them all up just yet 🙂
WE MOVE, this is something I found in your blog post that it makes itself a proper good 2013 resolution! 😉
LOL out of all that text you picked that up?! Well done! Yes we’re moving this weekend! I should have a new post about that up on Friday. Soooo excited!
Ha, the same for me You move???? Tell us more!! Where to, a house? A flat? With a graden for the dog? 🙂
And pictures please! 😉
Yes, yes and yes!! So excited!!
LOL sorry to change the topic of your post (but I’m very glad for you, Sandra! :)))