Happy Birthday to Me!

Yay, it’s my birthday! My friends were already pretty active and I received text messages, emails and snail mail! Yay! Uti sent a super nice (Irish green) t-shirt. Thanks Sweetpea! Sannie sent a lovely little card. Awww, thanks Sweetie! Richard surprised me with season one of Stromberg (German The Office) though I fear he might want to quiz me on it afterwards ;-). But that’s not all, I also got a sweet card and a scrapbook from our trip to Charleston last year and oh my, it’s fantastic!!! Thanks so much Sweets! Talking about scrapbooking, Kathi also got me a scrapbooking book from my wishlist so hopefully I’ll get loads of inspiration and get some scrapbooking done this summer. Thanks a million Sugardoll! Today’s mail hasn’t yet arrived…. 😉

Oh and if you look at the right hand side of my blog, the visitor count is heading towards 5000. I’m kinda hoping we’ll get there today, would be a neat day to break the 5000 mark. So keep stopping by today to make it happen! 🙂 (Edit: Ah no, it looks like sidemeter is ´stuck once again and doesn’t count today. :()

Alright darlings, I’m off to beautify myself for the big 25 (my silver birthday haha). A quarter century!
Birthday cake and coffee with 4 of my grandparents later in the afternoon and already I’m drooling over the cakes I baked last night… Hehe.

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  1. Happy 25 th, dear Sanna! I wish you a healthy, exciting new year with lot’s of love and fun! May all your dreams come true, my fingers are crossed 😉 Have a wonderful day today!

    PS: Can you send me your snail mail address some time?

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, alte schachtel 🙂 i hope you are having a wonderful day and nothing but the best for the coming year. hey, maybe you will celebrate your 26th in charlotte? 😉 *smoochie*

  3. happy birthday again love! schoen das alles ankam. hoffe es passt und gefaellt. ich drueck dich lieb und wuensche dir nen super tag!!! lieb dir

  4. Happy Birthday, dear! I hope your day is fun, but it already sounds like it is. Enjoy your special day and all the best for the next quarter-century!

  5. FELICIDADES !!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)

    Feliz cumpleaños, Sandra!!!! espero que pases un muy feliz día 🙂 ( easy to understand, yes ? ;))

    Have a superb day sweetie !

  6. Herzlichen Glückwunsch Sanni! 25 wird die Gute, nee nee. Ich hoffe Du feierst das gebührend!? Stoss mal für mich mit an, OK? Alles Gute, Glück und Erfolg weiterhin, jetzt gehts ja demnächst erst richtig los 😉

    Glückwünsche aus HAM!!!


  7. Hey Sanna,

    i’m the next in the long list of people wishing you a great and happy birthday. I hope you had lots of sun today. Seeing how exiting the first 25 years of your life were (i’m speaking of all the travelling you did and things like that), are you ready for the next 25? i hope they will always be filled with sun, great friends, many laughs, health, love and happiness. 🙂

  8. und nochmal alles liebe zum geburtstag. ich hoffe du hattest einen ganz tollen tag, bist völlig überladen worden mit geschenken und hattest tolle leute um dich herum.smooch

  9. Marmelade im Schuh!

    I can’t quiz you on Stromberg until I get a subtitled version or have a few years of German practice. Yet! Hope the cakes were lovely as they make me hungry, again. Much love.

  10. happy 25th b day sweety!!!!
    May all your dreams come true!!!!Hope you a wonderful birthday with all your loved ones!!!

  11. Happy happy birthday girl! I am just a bit late, but I wish you all the best and that you may achieve all the things you want to- and get that thesis out of your way.
    *huge hug*

  12. Oh ich bin zu spät!!! wie immer, ich hab es einfach nicht mit geburtstagen! I am so sorry sweetie ánd wish you the very best!! lot’s of motivation and strength for the diploma theses and the job search. think of you !! love!Franzi

  13. Bin ein wenig spaet dran – aber
    Ich hoffe, Du hattest einen schoenen Geburzeltag.

  14. Sorry.
    Looohoooser. That’s me.

    Forgot your birthday. 🙁

    Happy Belated! 🙂 Next year I wont’ forget..I need to freaking change your blog link on my blogroll.