
I’m home again and guess what, the grass here is greener than that in Ireland so I’ll keep the green layout until I find something better. 🙂

The trip was fine. I didn’t sleep much the night before because I had drank some wine my roommate the night before instead of packing my bags and cleaning my room so I still had quite a bit to do in the morning and was worried I’d sleep in or not get everything done or that the taxi wouldn’t show up and what not. I got everything more or less done though and the taxi driver carried my suitcases downstairs (good, strong man).
At the airport SAS was nice enough to only charge me for 25kg instead of 30kg excess weight but then they only gave me one baggage ticket at check-in. That resulted in me asking about that at the gate coutner and then they had to take all bags out of the plane again to make sure both my bags were in there. Ah well, not my fault ;-).
In Copenhagen I ate some Smörrebröd for lunch and then walked around the shops a bit, bought an American Cosmo and read that at a cafe with a nice cafe americano. Yum! I love Copenhagen’s airport, it’s so light and they have these cool trolleys for your carry-on. Otherwise my shoulder would have been dead with lappy’s bag filled to the brim. The flight to Hanover was alright, too. I had this lady next to me who had horrible breath and she kept looking out of the window where I was sitting. Yuk! Nasty breadth!

Now I’m back home and it’s alright. Almost feels like I’ve never been gone. I did manage to put all my stuff away – sooo happy about that! I still feel super cluttered in so I guess I’m gonna have to ebay some things off this summer.
Wrote some words for my thesis today. Yay! Chapter 5 is almost finished now and hopefully I’ll get that done in the next two or three days. Wish me luck!
Oh I also planted the shamrock that Kathi had given me for Christmas today so hopefully it’ll provide me with lots of luck. I really do need some in regards to a job right now so keep your fingers crossed, pretty please!!
Well, time to snuggle up in my nice, big bed with the nice smooth sheets. Though I do have to admit, I miss my pillows from Ireland. These 40x80cm pillows are much more comfortable than the 80x80cm ones we have here.
Night night!

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  1. I take it chapter 5 is the final one? Congratulations;) Do something fun this summer besides job searching. One never knows when you have time again.
    Big hug

  2. Welcome back! Awesome shades or rather that hottie who wears them, just wow… 😉

  3. Yay, chapter 5 is on its way out! Cross it off in your sidebar template when you’re done with it!

    If I get a job in Charlotte, I’ll quickly refer you :). Let’s hope Wachovia keeps contacting me! Glad you’re home safely, much love.

  4. hi.. ich habe ein kleines problem mit xanga.. mir ist heute aufgefallen dass meine protected list inactive ist und keiner mehr auf meine seite kommt. ich habe vor ein paar monaten xanga premium gekauft (und $100 dollar dafuer ausgegeben..) und vor ein paar tagen wurde mein premium account unerklaerlicherweise disabled. ich kann meine protected list nur wieder aktivieren wenn ich wieder xanga premium kaufe und ich sehe nicht ein nochmal $100 dollar dafuer zu zahlen, insbesondere da ich die seite gar nicht mehr nutze. ich moechte auch keinen public link auf meine xanga seite setzen.. falls du also bisher ueber den link auf meiner xanga seite zu meinem neuen blog gekommen bist, das wird leider nicht mehr funktionieren. sorry. die URL ist http://steffi-in-arizona.blogspot.com/ vielleicht kannst du die URL bookmarken und so auf meine seite kommen.. danke!!!!! liebe gruesse, steffi

  5. welcome home 😉 and man, i LOVE airports. just your description makes me SO want to book a flight somewhere, ANYWHERE and take off! although that probably won’t happen for a while… *sigh* anyhow, welcome home again!

  6. Cute new theme!

    What is the password to your protected post if you don’t mind me reading it please? It’d be great if you e-mail me the password. 🙂

  7. Willkommen in der Heimat. Hab endlich deine Blogaddi wieder! Brauch ich ein Passwort zum lesen? Lass es dir gut gehen daheim. Daumen gedrueckt fuer DA und Job. Hab selbst noch keine Note.

    Hoffe du hast einen guten Sommer, cheerio!

  8. Wie angefordert, wuensche ich Dir viel Glueck mit den weiteren Kapiteln und druecke janz fest die Daeumchen !!! 🙂

    Was ist denn das Passwort fuer Deinen protected post?