* link to the person who tagged you – Thanks Kim
* post the rules here – DUH!
* share 7 random or weird facts about yourself (7 is a lot… let’s see if I can come up with that many. I know I’m random and weird enough but still…)
* tag 7 random people at the end of the post, linking to them (I might not do that… be warned)
* leave a comment on their blog so that they know they’ve been tagged
1. You know that email that gets forwarded every once in a while about how many insects you eat in your sleep and stuff. Well one of the “facts” in there says you can’t lick your elbow. Well, I can!
2. I have my mouth closed when I apply mascara. When I was young (like maybe 10) I was shocked at the faces that people made when they rubbed their eyes so I tried to make it a habit to keep my mouth shut when I do weird things with my eyes.
3. A lot times I close my eyes though when I brush my teeth.
4. I have weird eyes, they have soooooo few eyelashes, it’s not even funny.
5. My toes are kind of weird, too. The ones next to the big toe are kind of growing over the big toe. Kind of annoying and probably not healthy either and definitely weird.
6. Sometimes I’m really happy when something mildly bad happens to me because I think it counters all the good stuff that is happening. When something great happens to me I sometimes get worried that it only happened to make up for something really bad that’s going to happen. So when something bad happens like my car getting towed I’m thinking OK that was bad but not devastating as in I don’t want to rejoice too soon (like over my visa) because something bad might still happen and then that mildly bad issue is that and I stop worrying. Yeah kinda stupid but not much I can do about it.
7. Sometimes I hear my cell phone ring even though it’s not ringing. Oh the stress of being reachable all the time. 😉 Go figure there are more than enough times when my cell in fact rings but I don’t hear it. Psycho!
Seven people to tag…. Uhm, Miriam, Anke, Eunice, David in FFM, Tanja, Richard, and Alex in AL. There, share your neuroses with us! 🙂
Night night!