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I’m back in cold old Germany – brrrrrrrr!
All that late night partying in Charlotte (the last one with home made pizza – yum!) made me really tired so when I got on the plane I was actually able to sleep! My seat neighbor and I drowned some gin-tonic and then my melantonin kicked in and I fell asleep around 8pm. I woke up a couple of times but was able to go back to sleep and I was shocked when they turned on the lights and served breakfast at 1am Eastern time – an hour before landing! Seriously, that flight must have gone by the fastest ever. I was so happy. Our purser was also super nice – actually so nice that I had to fill out a comment card about how great the service was.
Then another short flight from Munich up to Hanover and surprise surprise one of my best friends, Marc, picked me up from the airport! Yay! We then had some brunch at my parents and after taking a nap my other friend Jens came over to hear all the news and play video games with me. Why he insisted on coming over the first night I was back – I don’t know… Oh I guess he just wanted to get the manbag that I had to bring over for him.
Anyway, I had my check-up for my lungs today and good news, she typed in “lungs are now” in her little report. Yay! I’m down to one dose of cortisol for another month now and thereafter I only have to take it if I feel like I need it. Woot!
Well, I’m off to find a scanner to scan my old visa documents. The faster I get my visa the better; my Mom has already started to treat me like a slave again with making me cook and taxiing around my sister. Ah the joys….
But good news, I’m going to Italy for three days in 2.5 weeks so that should be nice.

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Byebye Oma Auguste

Yay first time that I got to go online from home this week… our neighbor’s unsecured wireless signal is really NOT strong… It works for my roommate’s new macbook but my crappy old Microsoft wireless card is not digesting it well.

Overall this week was really nice but it was overshadowed by my paternal grand-ma’s passing over. After three weeks in hospital (which I didn’t know she was because my dad tends to not tell me things like that….) she died early this week. Good timing I dare say as at least that way I’ll get to go to her funeral when I’m back in Germany. I’m sad she’s gone and I feel horrible for my dad – I’m basically his only close family left – but I think my grandma is happy that she’s passed over to the other side and in her believes close to her daughter again. So not too much mourning, I think she’s had a great life and made the most of it and that’s the most important thing. Unfortunately death is part of life as much as birth and I think after 79 years it’s alright to die. But still… 🙁

Other than that, I’ve been busy socialising with a birthday party, bar time during the week, chilling with the neighbors, visiting old time friends in their house and BBQing, pool time and then today my German friend Siggie and his family invited me to go out to the lake with their boat. Of course today is the first day that the sun is not shining. Oh the irony. Though it might actually be nicer that way and definitely better for my skin ;). We’ve had temperatures from 90-105F every day that I’ve been here. I thought the pilot was kidding when he said “welcome to Charlotte, the temperature is 46°C” uhm no and that wasn’t even the hottest day…

Well, time has definitely flown by these past 2.5 weeks and I can’t believe I’m back on the plane on Wednesday night. Wow! I’m just hoping the visa process will go smoothly and semi-quickly cause even though I’ve been super busy every day there’s still so much I wanna do.
Anyways, hope you’re all doing alright, I havn’t really had the chance to read many blogs lately….

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Not So Boring Weekend Afterall

Well I thought my weekend was gonna be really boring but it was actually quite fun. Friday night after some Harris Teeter sushi I hung out with an ex co-worker and his wife and we caught up on all the company gossip there ;-). Great stories! I was like “WHAT?!” more than once…
Saturday after sleeping long (only until 10 actually but better than during the week) and relaxing in my PJs I met with some friends and we got some food at The Philosopher’s Stone. Hadn’t had BLT for a while. Yum!
All that greasy food didn’t stop me from getting really really drunk at some bar later on with more of the gang. Kind of nice to have a place to walk to and not having to drive. 😀 Couldn’t o to bed right away because those long island ice-teas made it spin just a tad bit too much. I think I was sitting on the sofa for almost an hour just waiting to sober up a tiny bit. The next morning at 9 I was still drunk – which was much nicer than the hang-over that started around lunch time. Yugh. Giorigo, who had slept in my roommates bed, and I went out for breakfast and of course we run into my ex boss who kept talking about business in Italian… era troppo presto per l’italiano… but I have to say I’m understanding more and more as time goes by (though sometimes I just ignore it and don’t listen as it’s really hard…).
Got back home then and had rest for a while cause that hang-over had started to kick in (but thank you Alker-Seltzer for saving me from worse) and then I cleaned the house and did some laundry. We have the coolest laundry machine and dryer I have ever seen in the states! 😀 Front loaders rock and so does this person who has unprotected wireless internet access. Thanks whoever you are!

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