Happy Birthday to Me!

Yay, it’s my birthday! My friends were already pretty active and I received text messages, emails and snail mail! Yay! Uti sent a super nice (Irish green) t-shirt. Thanks Sweetpea! Sannie sent a lovely little card. Awww, thanks Sweetie! Richard surprised me with season one of Stromberg (German The Office) though I fear he might want to quiz me on it afterwards ;-). But that’s not all, I also got a sweet card and a scrapbook from our trip to Charleston last year and oh my, it’s fantastic!!! Thanks so much Sweets! Talking about scrapbooking, Kathi also got me a scrapbooking book from my wishlist so hopefully I’ll get loads of inspiration and get some scrapbooking done this summer. Thanks a million Sugardoll! Today’s mail hasn’t yet arrived…. 😉

Oh and if you look at the right hand side of my blog, the visitor count is heading towards 5000. I’m kinda hoping we’ll get there today, would be a neat day to break the 5000 mark. So keep stopping by today to make it happen! 🙂 (Edit: Ah no, it looks like sidemeter is ´stuck once again and doesn’t count today. :()

Alright darlings, I’m off to beautify myself for the big 25 (my silver birthday haha). A quarter century!
Birthday cake and coffee with 4 of my grandparents later in the afternoon and already I’m drooling over the cakes I baked last night… Hehe.

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Things I Appreciate About Germany

– The newly warm summers with temperatures near 30°C in June (and from what I hear also in April). Yay global warming – harr harrr (Hope it doesn’t get any warmer but then again, we only have June, how’s August going to be?!).
– Most (new) cars now have airconditioning and my parents thankfully have one car with AC and Mom wants to get a new one WITH AC – Yay!
– The variety of frozen pizzas is amazing! Even in the US, the country with mile long shelves and gazillion different types of cereal I couldn’t find as many different types of frozen pizza.
– Same goes for cheese. I hear there are more types of cheese in Germany than in the Netherlands!
– Same goes for tea can’t beat that either and I’m sick of Irish Breakfast Tea!
– People don’t seem as rude as they usually seem to be when I come back from the US. I guess maybe the contrast to the Irish isn’t as big as to the Americans.


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Summer in The Village

We finally had those temperatures that I’d been jealous about while I was in Ireland. 28°C in the shade today and of course my room had lovely 28°C, too for a while. Great outside but inside… man…. I totally forgot how quickly my room heats up – talk about two huge windows to the south side and wooden floor. I totally enjoyed sitting in a recliner on our porch today though and having dinner (huge chicken wings, cabbage and fries – yum) outside was sooooo nice!
Also unfortunately with the heat the bugs arrive. My grandparents had a huge hornet in their bedroom today but I saw it from outside in the window and made my step-dad get rid of it. Then, my parents have bribed our neighbors’ cat to live with us (catfood and being allowed inside plus on a couple of sofas did the trick). She lays on the sofa for half of the day and the rest she roams around outside and collects tics. Well, those yucky tics decided to not stay on the cat and instead crawl around the house. I was watching telly on Monday night and the next morning under the shower I came up with a nasty little tic from my butt. Yuk! Must have crawled from the sofa into my pants. Damn low-rise jeans. Ugh, I just hope the tic didn’t lose any legs or so in my skin. I hate the buggers!! Oh yeah and to complete the critter story, there’s a huge spider in front of our window here in the office (where our computer with the ISDN line is *sighs**misses high speed internet*). Super nasty and the bloody insects keep flying into the net and the spider attacs them and yuk….

OK enough boring stuff. I’m in the process of calling my friends to tell them I’m back but a lot of them don’t answer the phones or I get weird messages from their phones… Hmmmmm screening their calls ;-)?
Tomorrow is lunch with my dad and other than that I’m being good about my thesis and help my sister with her homework. She’s such a sweetie: “Learning vocabulary with you is fun” “Uhm you mean it’s the least annoying if you study with me as opposed to the rest of the family?” “Nah, it’s actually fun”. Awwww. Watch out, by the end of my time here, she’ll have turned into a nerd… ;-D

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