I am no where near an addiction to myspace or surf around it all the time but sometimes it’s really cool! I just found my old host-brother and host-sister from my year in NJ 1998/1999. Couldn’t get in touch with them anymore because they had moved from the address that I had. I can’t believe how old they are now! My bro was 7 when I lived with them and now he’s 16!!! That’s how old I was when I lived with them for cripes sake! The sis is 14 now – wow!! When we shared a room she was 5!! So they are teenagers now, the boy is going to high school and I’m sure they’re all cOoL anD DaT! 😉
Seems like they never aged to me, as they’re still these small kids in my head, all sweet, and now the girl is wearing sun glasses and is showing of her body! Well, long time no see I guess! 🙂
So thanks myspace!
Flatmates – Episode 989 (at least)
Sometimes I really miss living with people who have regular 9-5 jobs (or on my own – PERIOD). I was in bed around 11:30pm last night seeing that I get up around 7:30am. Just as I was trying to fall asleep, my roomie who lives in the room next to mine came home and she was on the phone for a looong time. I had never really noticed how thin these walls are but I could hear her chatting and laughing and obviously could not sleep until she was done there.
So then this morning night, my flight attendant roomie had to work early and I guess she was sharing a taxi with her friend or so, as he was knocking on our flat door. Nothing bad with that but she didn’t hear it (I woke up from it!) and so after the 10th knock or so, when he was banging louder I let him in. Well the harm was done, I was pretty awake and kind of hungry so I couldn’t go back to sleep for about an hour. Yikes! Needless to say I was super tired when my alarm went off at 7:30 (but I snoozed it for 30 minutes… oy… that was one speedy breakfast).
Oh and while I’m bitching about them, she hasn’t bought an electricity card yet even though we have none left and are supposed to always have spare cards. She’d better buy one today, as I think she’s going home to Spain tomorrow. Argh! Well, half way done with them anyways…
Toodles and have a great, short week!
Good Girl
After more than a month of abstinence, I finally opened my diploma thesis document and I have resolved to work on it all afternoon! Yay me! 🙂 I can’t believe I’m still working on this piece of crap but oh well…. I think I might delete the file called timeplan.xls. 😉