Rainy Dublin

Well, after sunshine there comes rain. Bloody rainy and windy this morning so I felt like I had done a workout instead of just walking to work. Wrestling with my umbrella and jumping puddles. Oh joyful joy. Fecking weather… Hmpf!
Next time – waterproof mascara.
Some time in the future – get a car.

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  1. Wow, someone sounds pretty pissed today πŸ˜‰ I understand… we had some rain too last night… but the sun just came out. Should I send some?? πŸ˜‰

  2. Well, you definitely have the Irish English going on now πŸ˜‰ Weather here isn’t too bright either- fog is all I can see. Big hugs from Luxembourg.

  3. I did see a poscard yesterday with two girls jumping puddles and some nice comment about rainy days. Definitely had to think about you;)

  4. hey i love your new profil pic. cute!! sorry about the weather that sucks. but at least its not hailing. πŸ˜‰ love ya

  5. Well what should I say…living in rainy, rainy Oregon isn’t fun either and you could get pretty depressiv after a while. But after the rain comes the sun…so there’s hope. πŸ˜‰