Before the whirlwind picked up and tossed me around we had a fantastic weekend in Atlanta. We both shamefully have had a bit of a bad opinion of Atlanta (The traffic! Gahhh! The weather! Blahhh! Lame town! Bleehhh!) The city gained tons of brownie points during this trip though and we both had a really fun time! What made it easy to go even though we felt so blah about Hotlanta was that the hotel didn’t cost a penny! The nice thing about having to travel for work are of course the frequent flyer miles and hotel points and so we used the latter and booked ourselves into a historical beauty right in the heart of downtown. High 5 to our foxiness!
We kicked off the weekend at an awesome Irish pub near by. Don’t think I had ever seen that large of a Guinness mix selection! Two of zee boyfriend’s friends joined us and we headed to the ballpark to see some Braves baseball. I hadn’t been in eight years and it was a blast. Love their signature tomahawk chop! Our friends treated us to a giant bratwurst and the Braves treated us to a win and some spectacular fireworks in the rain. Nothing like running back to the car in squelching shoes! Great fun! Brownie points Atlanta!
Saturday morning we checked out the Delta block party. Whoop whoop! Classic cars, airplanes, life music, free food and drinks. Not bad at all!!
Have to say, my personal favorites were probably the retro flight attendant uniforms. How fabulous!
After some relaxing at our hotel we met up for drinks with one my girlfriends and her husband at the swanky W hotel. Can I please hire the W’s interior designer for our home?!
Another high-light was checking out the original Ru Sans sushi restaurant. They have a branch in our town that I call “The Happy Place” and so I’d been dying to check out their first restaurant in Atlanta. Oh it was so much fun! (If you consider yelling waiters fun…) Had some great sushi and enjoyed cruising around MidTown. Brownie points Atlanta!
And finally, more brownie points on Sunday. We walked through the Olympic park (remember those games from, geez, 17 years ago now?! #FeelingOld) to the Georgia Aquarium. It was friggin’ amazing (aside from the Dolphin show, that was extremely corny). Huuuge sea creatures and we got to pet sting rays and anemones. Great fun!
So yeah, if you have a chance to go to Atlanta, do it! We enjoyed our weekend in the city tremendously and I think we’ll go back some time soon to check out some more hopefully brownie slam dunk point worthy sights. Sorry HOTlanta for totally underestimating you. Our bad.