Meal Planning Made Easy [Free Printable]

Taking the stress out of meal planning with these free printables

Well folks, the struggle is real, since our toddler now demands real food, our days of grabbing a frozen meal or ordering take-out / going out have dwindled down. Too much salt for the little one. And let’s be honest, going out with a toddler can be a tiny bit stressful.

Gone are the days that I’d go meet a friend out for sushi, then have a date at whatever restaurant, and then maybe eat something at happy hour at a bar. All that was left to do was fill the other nights with something edible, be it cereal or some delicious meal, for which I had all the time in the world to cook and eat. Now there’d better be food on the table at 6pm or Leo turns into an ankle biter. He’s in a phase right now where most things are just disgusting to him and he winds up eating a slice of toast but we continue to offer everything we eat. Then, every few days he’ll surprise me and mow down whatever we’re eating. It’s super random.

Meal Planning for Our Family

So I’ve been doing the grown-up thing and been making an effort to plan out what we’re going to eat each week. I can only handle so many days with a sudden panic attack at 5:30pm, no clue what to cook and no ingredients on hand. Mom-ing is tough enough as is.

My trusted planner has a section for weekly meal planning, which takes away that panicky moment (so long as I actually went grocery shopping!) but that still leaves the question, what the heck should we eat this week?! I consider myself a foodie so eating the same 10 or so rotating meals is really unsatisfying for me.

Meal planning is a breathe with Sannipanni's Planner and the cute printable from this blog post.

Alas, I’ve come up with this little system that seems to work well for us. I pick meals based on these categories: salad, pasta, something made on the grill, seafood, breakfast for dinner, something made in the crock-pot, and global cuisine. Since I don’t feel like cooking every day (because it’s ridiculously hard to do that when your toddler wants to hug your legs and I’m lazy by nature), my meal plan for the week always includes leftovers. You bet. I also shuffle the meals around as the week goes by or say, screw it, and we go out or pick something up. But the list helps. Tremendously!

Shutterfly had a promo for free magnets and that motivated me to turn this informal list of meal categories into a magnet for my fridge. I designed these graphics (yay, your choice of color!) and thought I’d share in case someone else struggles with meal ideas, too. They truly are pretty good inspiration for me when it comes to picking meals for the week.

A dish will often immediately come to my mind when I think about grilling or Asian or Tex-Mex food (“global cuisine”). If I still struggle, I grab my magazine recipe collection or search on Pinterest. Checking what’s on sale that week helps, too.

So here they are, my little meal planning helpers! Download (right click and “Save Image” or hold down long on your iphone and save to your camera roll) and print or turn them into a magnet. Happy cooking and I hope they’ll keep your family from going hangry!

Easy meal planning: Every day pick one of the categories to spark your meal inspiration!

Easy meal planning: Every day pick one of the categories to spark your meal inspiration!




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2015 New Year’s Resolutions of a Thirty-Something Gal

Wow, 2015 is here! Time for new resolutions!! So can you believe it is fifteen years after the big new millennium?! Y2K bug! Ahhh! My gosh, how time flies!

2015 New Year's Resolutions of a 30 SomethingAnyhow, I’m a list kinda gal and know that I am much more likely to get things done if I write to-dos down and get to cross them off once completed. Sooo satisfying. Done – check! Most years I like to write down resolutions or goals for the year ahead. I actually have a notebook dedicated to just that and in previous years I went as far as drawing 52 boxes for weekly goals to check things off. Worked really well!

Last year I really only had two personal goals: Plan our wedding! Plan our honeymoon! I’m hoping I’ll have a little more time for other things in 2015 but usually life tends to be amazingly busy these days.

This year, these are my goals:

  1. Start my own marketing consulting business
  2. Connect with my friends
  3. Host Sunday Suppers / Entertain at our beautiful house
  4. Up our house’s curb appeal. Those dead scrubs blend in well in winter but the rest of the year… not so much.
  5. Work out at least once a week
  6. Catch-up with my Project Life photo albums
  7. Create our wedding photo book
  8. Blog here at least once a month (that seems little but it’s realistic)
  9. Nurture my marriage and do awesome things that we may want to do before we potentially have kids (I realize this is an abstract goal and as such I really despise it so I will have to break it down into more tangible S.M.A.R.T. goals *business geek*)
  10. Eat well. Live cleanly. Be well. A.k.a. increasingly remove pesticides and chemicals, etc from our food and home, eat nutritious meals, be greener.

I hope to see you here, on Facebook or in person to check in on how I’m doing with my resolutions. Care to share your goals?

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On Owning A Dog

This week was my dog’s fourth birthday. What a relief; he’s survived living with me! Gee, time flies! Soon he’ll be wanting to get his drivers license and go clubbing. 😉 All joking aside, it is amazing how fast those four years have gone by. Owning a dog has been such a great experience. I knew taking care of a puppy was going to be stressful. Very stressful. Especially living alone. And though I had and still have wonderful friends who came with me to pick him up from his farm or watch him occasionally those puppy days were not stress-free!! Driving home from work at lunch every day for the first half year was super stressful and having to throw away shoes and other oh so delicious items that accidentally got between Alfi’s jaws was friggin’ frustrating! OMG, he would steal my underwear!! Ugh! Now that he is all grown up and mature (as far as boy dogs go…) he just shreds tissues – I can totally live with that.
IMG_2425Alfi – Summer 2009 with one of the many stuffed guinea pigs he mauled

But you know what, it’s all been worth it. He is such a joy and coming home to a fluffy bundle of happiness is something I look forward to every day. He does have a fierce underbite and with all that fluffy fur looks really vicious but has never hurt a soul (other than his stuffed toys but I think they’re soul-less). That he is a sweet one and sits, lays down and comes on command is a HUGE relief for me. Trust me, I was rather worried about raising a dog and him or her turning out horribly!! But yes, he’s great. Except for when he peed on my friend who was dog sitting him. That was mortifying (but hilarious to some I hear ;-)). Happy Birthday Alfi-Dog! Lots of love, your human!

Care to share your favorite Alfi-memory in a comment?


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