(Teeth II) Back from London

… and it was amazing and deserves a nice blog entry. Am too preoccupied with my teeth again right now though. This time it’s another wisdom tooth and I think a corner broke off when I munched on Skittles. Damn it! It hurts in a really weird way and I’m pretty certain that it used to have at least 3 corners sticking out and now it’s just 2. Argggg! Seriously, 25 years without any trouble (except braces and milk teeth that sometimes still hadn’t fallen out even though the new teeth were starting to show) and now 2 out of my 4 poor wisdom teeth are bugging me that much. Grand – not. Damn it!
Sorry, I’m sure you are more interested in London than my teeth but it’s frickin’ annoying and painful. I think I might even have to go see a dentist here instead of waiting three to go to my normal one or even go to whichever dentist is on call next week when I’m in Germany (cause it’s a bankholiday and a weekend). 🙁

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  1. damn teeth pain. sorry love. hope it will be ok soon, either because it stops hurting or because you can find a dentist. (gotta pay huh?) sucks. well, stay away from sweets and good luck with everything. love ya

  2. Ach Mensch, dass ist ja fies. Hoffe Dein London-Aufenthalt hat nicht zu sehr drunter gelitten. Um mögliche Entzündungen zu hemmen, kannst Du mit Kamillentee gurgeln, das desinfiziert und beruhigt. Aber sieh man zu bald zum Arzt zu kommen, Zahnschmerzen können einen ja echt “grounden”… 😉 *Ben

  3. i was so excited to read about london and all i get is a “teeth post”? 😉
    j/k… i feel for you. i really think you should go and see a dentist. whatever he’ll do to you, it will take the pain away 😉

  4. delete this last post …

    i was so excited to read about london and all i get is a “teeth post”? 😉
    j/k… i feel for you. i really think you should go and see a dentist. whatever he’ll do to you, it will take the pain away 😉

  5. Hope your pain will stop soon, one way or the other! I’m really sorry you have to go through this! Big hug!