Mi manca Charlotte tantissimo

I think I know why I can’t think of what I want: I already know what I really want but since I can’t really have it right now, I have a hard time thinking of other things that make me happy.
Cause damn it, I want to move back to Charlotte! I soooo miss living there!

Charlotte's SkylineI keep thinking I’d love to get some sushi from Ru’Sans or walk around South Park Mall or drive around the city or move into one of the many great apartments there and get a big cosy sofa or enjoy a nice day at the pool or BBQ with my friends or go to work knowing that I’m working to have a great life or just having a glass of fresh OJ while cutting out coupons or looking at the cute houses. Just the little things…
And I know that most of my friends aren’t there anymore but even when I had just gotten there and didn’t know many people I felt incredibly happy in that town. Gnarg!

Fingers crossed for this year’s green card lottery but damn, I need to think of something that I want to do here because you never know what’s gonna happen and if I’ll ever get to go back there and bla… DAMN!

But yeah, no denying, Charlotte is where I want to go and I don’t really care what kind of job I do there as long as people are nice, the work isn’t shitty, and the company pays enough for me to live comfortably.

Hard to focus on what I want to do instead or until when I’m back there… :-/

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Unfortunately I’m done watching all episodes again but I’m sure it wasn’t the last time… 😉 Wasn’t there talk about making a movie?

You Are Most Like Charlotte!

You are the ultimate romantic idealist
You’ve been hurt before, but that hasn’t caused you to give up on love.
If anything, your resolve to fall in love is stronger than ever.
And it’s this feminine optimism that men find most appealing about you.

Romantic prediction: That guy you are seeing (or crushing on)?

Could be very serious – if you play your cards right!

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What Disney Female Are You?

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Below you’ll find your test result. After, continue on to your homescreen to discover what we’re about.

You scored 62 Independence, 67 Romance, 62 Loyalty, and 57 Practicality!
You are Ariel! Ariel is for some the ultimate disney heroine, the girl who defies everything she knows for the sake of love. While you care a great deal about your family and friends, and would never settle for a subservient, obiedient life style, love is everything to you. You are brave, cunning, a little reckless, with an enquiring mind and a personality all of your own, but you are ultimately a dreamer rather than a realist, risking everything you care about for the chance of a dream, something you long for. Your idealism makes you an utterly charming girl and your friends would follow you everywhere, but you do sometimes get into a bit of danger by not being cautious or thinking things through. You don’t listen to your parents if their advice dosen;’t suit you, which is good, you aren’t just a brainless follower, but sometimes a little wisdom would be nice. You also would leave your friendships behind for true love, even though they mean a lot to you. Luckily for you, everything will always turn out okay, because you are good at heart, but sometimes others despair of your single minded devotion to the one you love, although it is very romantic. Lively and fun, you can be a little naiive, but ultimately you are a determined and loveable person.

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